Nicolis Frutta


The NICOLIS FRUTTA operates as a wholesale fruit and vegetable dealer for over 40 years (since 1969) specializing in providing bars, restaurants, hotels, shops, supermarkets and pubs, covering mainly the Veronese shore of Lake Garda and all the hinterland.

In addition to providing our customers with the complete selection of the freshest vegetables and the first choice, we have a range of products for the catering of the best brands.

Although price and quality our customers have affirmed and reaffirmed NICOLIS FRUIT as their trusted supplier, we are confident that a strategic asset of our company is the home daily delivery service, guaranteed every day of the week (including the Sunday morning in season).

Via C. Preite 21
Garda 37016 Veneto IT
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Da lunedì a sabato 7:00 - 12:30 Domenica 8:00-12:30